6 Beach Bag Essentials

Summer is almost upon us and that can only mean one thing: It’s almost time to go to the beach! At Surfside Realty, we specialize in offering not only the best vacation rentals in Surfside Beach, but also the best advice about the beach that you can find! We’ve been around since 1962, so we’ve pretty much seen it all when it comes to the beach.

Here are our recommendations for the top 6 things you should always keep in your beach bag in order to avoid potential beach disasters:


Sunscreen should always be the #1 item in your beach bag! We recommend keeping 2 bottles of different SPF levels in your bag. You should use a stronger SPF on your face, since that tends to see the most sun (plus, then you’ll avoid that weird sunglasses tan). Which brings us to…


There’s nothing worse than getting all the way to the beach and realizing that you forgot to grab your sunglasses. But, if you always keep a few extra pairs in your beach bag, you won’t have to worry about spending the afternoon squinting.

Waterproof Speakers / Radio

We think the best music is the sound of the waves hitting the shore. But for some people, that can get monotonous after a while, and they’d like nothing more than to listen to Zac Brown while relaxing in the sun. In that case, have a waterproof speaker or radio with you so you can jam out under the sun.


Being out on the beach all day leaves you vulnerable to dehydration, which might seem counterintuitive since you’re in the water all day. But all that salt in the ocean can actually dry you out. There’s nothing worse than having to cut a beach day short because you’re feeling sick from lack of water. Throw a couple of bottles of H2O in your bag and you’ll be set.


Is that a rumbly in your tummy? Although Surfside Beach has a number of yummy restaurants right on the beach, it doesn’t hurt to have some snacks in your bag to tide you over from meal to meal. We recommend granola bars, fruits, veggies, or anything else portable and not impacted by the heat.


Whether you just want to read the latest fiction release or you’re into more active sports like Frisbee or volleyball, it’s good to have something to entertain yourself with between dips in the water.

What items are must-haves for your beach bag? Still haven’t planned your summer beach vacation? Don’t worry! Just contact Surfside Realty today and we’ll help you plan the vacation of your life!

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