Where To Stay During Bike Week

If you’re planning on attending the Spring Bike Rally being held in Myrtle Beach from May 10-19, 2013, you should already have your reservations made. For those that haven’t quite made it that far we still have some Garden City Beach SC condo rentals available for your stay. Check them out on our website and make your reservations online or by calling us toll free at 800-833-8231.

Garden City Beach SC condo rentalsIf you’re bringing your bike rather than riding it here and need a place to store your trailer contact Jamin Leather at 843-839-5255. They’re providing free trailer parking during Bike Week.

It’s a beautiful time of year for a bike rally and there will be a large assortment of different events taking place in the area during that time. Don’t miss the biker Meet ‘n Greet on May 15 that promises to last all day long. The plan is to meet at the Golden Egg in Surfside buy alprazolam pills Beach for breakfast from 9-11 a.m. then leave at 11 a.m. sharp for a 175+ mile round trip ride that ends in Garden City Beach. Riders will receive a wristband at the first stop that will provide them with extended happy hour at the Causeway Bar. It’s free and all bikers, cars and people are invited to come along.

There’s a new 100{b54bfb356ed24e5e16f3e1e051ea2fc47c3083b77bdf664367285760ff77110d} raffle this year. Three people will share the money. Tickets are $1 each of 6 for $5. Total prize amount depends upon number of entries. All proceeds will be given away at the 7 p.m. drawing at the Causeway Bar but you need to be present to win.

Staying in one of the Garden City Beach SC condo rentals that we can supply you with will have you ideally located to easily access all of the bike rally action. Be sure to check us out!


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